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  • Writer's pictureStu Sharpe

Leaving our mark at the Sign Post Forest

The main attraction at Watson Lake, Yukon is the famous Sign Post Forest.

During the drive from Liard Hot Springs Provincial Park to Watson Lake you cross in and out of British Columbia and the Yukon several times before seeing the official Yukon welcome sign just south of the town of Watson Lake. The main attraction in Watson Lake is the famous sign post forest.

During the construction of the Alaska Highway in 1942 the current location of the signpost forest had a number of directional signs with distances to the nearest communities. An injured US soldier recuperating in the Watson Lake barracks was tasked with repainting all the signs. When doing so he added a sign with the distance to his home town in Danville, Illinois. Eventually more and more signs were added by travellers and the Sign Post Forest now has more than 90,000 signs. Travellers are encouraged to add their own signs and posts are erected for this purpose.

After stopping in at the Visitors Centre we toured through the sign post forest and found Andre and Kaet’s sign as well as Shawna and Malcolm’s sign from their trip last year. We selected a spot and later that day, after setting up camp, we returned with a ladder to add our sign. As one might expect, our sign has a fish on it.

After setting up camp we returned with a ladder to add our sign.

Two nights at the Watson Lake Territorial Campground were quiet and relaxing. The campground was not crowded and the sites were very clean, well maintained and quite private. After stocking up on some groceries, diesel and some beer we left Watson Lake and headed off for a night in Teslin, before pushing on to Whitehorse.

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